Tuesday 23 September 2014


    Mhathir bin Mohamad is a retired Malaysian politician who was the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia> He held the

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Hello, blogsphere!

Hello !

          Welcome to my blog .My name is Nur Yusra binti Yahya .I am sixteen years old .I live at Bukit Rambai,Melacca .Studies at SMK Bukit Rambai .I am from 4 Akaun 2 .I'm not good in English but I always try to improve my English .My hobbies are writting ,playing badminton because all that make me happy and laugh.

           I am tall and slim .I have a diamond face and almond eyes .My eye brow shape is thin round .My eye expressions is sad eyes .My lips shape is thin lips .

          I have pleasant personality .I am very friendly so I have a lot friends ,sometimes I am shy if I meet new people .I become annoying, I like study hard with friends and I smile a lot .

         I have a big family .I have a carring parents .I have a five siblings .I have one sister ang three younger brother .I am second daughter from five siblings .My mother worked as a school bas guide and my father's occupation is a information officers .My mother is carring and loving and my father likes taking care of family .

          Lastly ,I hope you are happy to read my blog .Welcome my blog .Taraa !